Celebrity Passport Photos

These celebrity passport photos often crop up online but I always find them fascinating and there are some in this collection on The Telegraph website HERE that I’ve never seen.

As with his super cool mugshot, David Bowie looks WAY too good in the above passport photo. Why do I look like some kind of psycho in my passport photo? The majority of the celebrities in the photos at the above link look really suave & attractive, proving that they’re indeed far cooler than us mere mortals. Who the hell looks good in a passport photo?! Although, the black & white ones look far better than the modern color photos of people like Beyoncé & David Beckham…

But Prince looks pretty fierce:

10 thoughts on “Celebrity Passport Photos

    • Oh, I do love a mug shot with a celebrity looking horrible! Like Gary Busey. Hilarious. 🙂 But David Bowie looks even more gorgeous in his mug shot than in his passport photo!

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