Another Personal Update

Hi All. Thank you for your replies to my last post. Sorry I wasn’t feeling up to replying until now. My husband sadly passed away about a month ago.

Not going to say too much personal stuff as he was a private person. But I need to say a little about the person I’m now going to miss every single day for the rest of my life. I’m only mentioning our main shared interests in relation to this blog but there was obviously so much more that we shared in our 25 years together & I just want people here to know that he meant the world to me.

Despite our US/UK distance, we managed to meet & instantly bond over a deep love of music & movies. He had many jobs, all within the music industry he loved, and had a U.K. chart hit just before I moved here to be with him. I was incredibly proud of all the music he created and am especially fond of two albums he made & had released to streaming services during the height of Covid. Knowing they’re out there in the world gives me some comfort. He loved music so much and wanted to share that love with everyone.

And, obviously, we both had a huge passion for movies as well. I certainly don’t have the talent like he had when it came to music, but he was still extremely proud of my movie blog (which I thought, and still think, is a bit silly). I’m no writer. When creating a post, I still think “Why am I posting this just to tell people that I really liked (or hated) a movie when there are loads of proper writers giving their opinions?!”

But he acted like my blog was some great accomplishment & was always encouraging about it. He was that way about everything I did in life. He loved reading every single post & discussing them all with me. And he helped with a lot of things, too, especially in the early days. He designed & created my logo and we spent many good times discussing & putting together the top ten lists that I used to post, many of which were his idea. He’d send me movie-related articles he thought I might like to share & create custom images when I needed them. He loved my blog. Because he loved me.

Not sure how to continue living each day now, let alone post about movies. But one of the messages he left for me & for our teenage daughter (also very passionate about movies & music) was that we should “grow that passion” as it will help us through the ups & downs in life. He’d be heartbroken if we stopped enjoying the things that the three of us spent so much time enjoying together.

So, although it still feels strange & “wrong” without him, we’re still watching movies & listening to music. I know that every movie I now see & every song I now hear, especially ones I know he’d have loved, will contain some sadness. Right now, that sadness is overwhelming. I know he wouldn’t want that. And I know I have to keep watching. And listening. And posting. And living.

So I’ll start again soon, at least with the monthly roundup posts. And my obsessive need for order may require me to finally post my year-end top movie lists for 2023 since I do that every year & missing a year will mess my brain up! Seriously. Hubby would fully understand my need to do that. No one has ever known & accepted me the way that he did. Honestly, I’m a complete pain-in-the-ass. I don’t know how he put up with me.

But I’m so glad that he did… ❤️

21 thoughts on “Another Personal Update

  1. I’m so sorry for your loss. I feel like there’s not much I could say at a time like this that doesn’t sound trite, but still, I wish you & your daughter the best for the future.

    • Thank you so much for your messages. Sorry I’ve not felt up to replying until now. Still missing him every day but will start posting again soon as I know he’d have wanted that.

  2. Just was stopping in here since it dawned on me how long it had been since I had been over here, and all I can say is I am absolutely heartbroken to read this post. What you have provided about your husband is really touching, seemed like a terrific guy and that’s so cool reading about his success in the viciously cut-throat music industry. Be well Mutey, I’m thinking of you.

    • Hi Tom – thank you so much for the message. 🙂 Sorry I’ve not felt up to replying to messages on here until now. This new life is taking a lot of getting used to. But I’ll be back to blogging soon, as I know he’d have wanted that. Great to hear from you! Hope all is well with you.

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