Blind Spot Movies

I’ve really enjoyed doing the Blind Spot project. Each year, you pick 12 movies that you’ve always been meaning to watch but never gotten around to and you finally make sure that you watch them by the end of the year.

I started doing the Blind Spot thing in 2016. Below are my Blind Spot choices & reviews for each year (ranked from my least favorite to my favorite)…

2016 Blind Spot Movies:

12. Eyes Without A Face
11. An Education
10. True Romance
9. Summer Wars
8. Phenomena
7. Magic
6. THX 1138
5. Running On Empty
4. Play Misty For Me
3. Natural Born Killers
2. Battle Royale
1. Akira

2017 Blind Spot Movies:

12. The Last Temptation Of Christ
11. Altered States
10. The Raid
9. The King & I
8. House (Hausu) (1977)
7. The Hustler
6. Jackie Brown
5. Wolf Children
4. Ghost In The Shell
3. The Untouchables
2. Watership Down
1. Rocky

2018 Blind Spot Movies:

8. Tetsuo: The Iron Man
7. Atonement
6. Gleaming The Cube
5. The French Connection
4. Citizen Kane
3. Metropolis
2. Splendor In The Grass
1. Enter The Dragon

2019 Blind Spot Movies:

10. Dreamscape
9. The Wild Bunch
8. Paris, Texas
7. Paprika
6. Mississippi Burning
5. Midnight Express
4. El Topo
3. In The Heat Of The Night
2. Ip Man
1. Deep Red (Profondo Rosso)