My Top Ten Amy Adams Movies

Happy Birthday to Amy Adams, who turns 41 today!

Yes, I needed a quick & easy Top Ten this week so I did my usual lazy thing of looking up celebrity birthdays. 😉 Adams was the only one worthwhile today – I really like her so was surprised to find that some people find her annoying. Look at her in that picture – she’s so adorable! Wish I looked like that. Anyway, I’ve liked her ever since her Oscar-nominated performance in Junebug.

So now, counting down from ten, these are My Top Ten Amy Adams Movies:

**List updated 20/08/17 to include Arrival, Nocturnal Animals & Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

10. The Fighter

9. Night At The Museum 2 (I mention it in my review of the third film)

8. Enchanted

7. The Muppets

6. Junebug

5. Sunshine Cleaning

4. Nocturnal Animals

3. Her

2. Catch Me If You Can

1. Arrival

The remainder of her movies that I’ve seen:

American Hustle
Big Eyes
Tenacious D In The Pick Of Destiny (she was in this?! Lol. I should watch it again – I like The D)
Julie & Julia
Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day
The Wedding Date
Leap Year
Man Of Freaking Steel
Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice (OMG! Even worse than Man Of Steel!)

The Fighter

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Felt like watching a “quality” movie tonight so went with The Fighter.

Great performances. I’m not a Christian Bale fan AT ALL but he was very good in this. I like Amy Adams a lot – it was good to see her in a different sort of role as I’m more used to her as a cheesy Disney princess in Enchanted. Mark Wahlberg gave a solid performance as well – I just always see him as Mark Wahlberg in everything… I probably liked him most in Ted. (Great movie!) 😉

I’m a girl so a movie about something I’m not at all interested in (boxing? ugh!) was probably never going to be a favorite. I can understand why this movie did so well as the actors all did a very good job but I can’t help but compare it in my mind to The Wrestler. That was also a movie about a sport I’m not at all interested in (wrestling? ugh! actually- all sports- ugh!) but I loved that movie. Mickey Rourke was SO good in that. I felt more for his character than for those in The Fighter even though The Fighter was based on a true story.

So, The Fighter was an interesting true story with some very good performances but I don’t think it’s one that will stick with me for long.
