My Top Ten Roller Coaster Scenes In Movies

Summer is almost here which means warm weather, amusement parks, and… Roller coasters! I actually hate roller coasters. I used to throw up in the backseat of my parents’ car on short car journeys so I’m not a big fan of anything that can give me motion sickness. 😉

I was going to do a list of amusement park scenes in movies but, after watching True Romance recently, I decided to narrow it down to just roller coaster scenes since there are way too many amusement park scenes to easily do that list. I love amusement parks in movies, though… Not sure why.

I thought the majority of these should heavily feature roller coasters instead of one just being a backdrop in a scene. However, I’ve included two films where the backdrop was so iconic that it didn’t feel right leaving them out. Hey – can I just say it’s annoying how roller coaster is sometimes two words & sometimes one?? Roller coaster seems more common than rollercoaster so I’ve gone with two words!

So, here are My Top Ten Roller Coaster Scenes In Movies:

10. TIE: True Romance & The Hole (2009)
I had to include True Romance since it’s what made me decide to do this list. And a roller coaster plays a part in the plot of The Hole, a movie I had high hopes for but found disappointing. It could’ve been a great modern Joe Dante film! But it was certainly no Gremlins.

9. Beavis And Butt-Head Do America
Honestly, I don’t remember if this was in the actual movie or just in the Red Hot Chili Peppers video for their cover of Love Rollercoaster… Anyone know?? Oh well – I love the song.

8. Zombieland
This movie always makes me want a Twinkie.

7. Big
Well, he can’t go on the roller coaster because he’s not big enough. It’s the whole reason for the movie’s plot! So I figure it deserves a place on my list. 😉

6. National Lampoon’s Vacation
Man, I really need to watch this again. Not seen it in years! Still prefer Christmas Vacation.

5. Final Destination 3
I couldn’t exactly leave this one out, either, as the whole plot revolves around the “accident”.

4. Despicable Me
LOVE THIS!! Although it’s still not quite as awesome as when Gru wins the “It’s so fluffy!” unicorn.

3. TIE: The Lost Boys & The Warriors
These are the two I really had to include even though we don’t actually see anyone on a roller coaster. But the roller coasters & the entire amusement park backdrops in both films are so iconic & immediately identifiable. Plus I absolutely LOVE these movies. 🙂

2. Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom
It counts. Because it’s my list & I say it counts. 😉

1. Fear
I really couldn’t put anything else at number one. Nothing tops this one (especially for Reese Witherspoon!). I have to admit that this movie is truly a “guilty pleasure” of mine. Because it’s pretty bad…

I should point out that there’s a 1977 film called Rollercoaster but I’ve not seen it so couldn’t include it in the list. Here’s the IMDB plot synopsis: A blackmailer threatens to sabotage roller coasters at various American amusement parks if he isn’t paid a huge ransom.

That sounds quite good! However, the trailer makes it look a bit cheesy & dated (but they did do horrible trailers for everything back then). Here it is:

Also, this post reminded me that I saw video of a very cool looking roller coaster at Shanghai Disney Resort. It’s called the “Tron Light Cycle Power Run”. Check it out! It looks cool. There’s video of it at this link: Robot 6.

Finally, here’s the whole video for Love Rollercoaster by the Red Hot Chili Peppers (love them, although I prefer the Ohio Players version):

50 thoughts on “My Top Ten Roller Coaster Scenes In Movies

  1. I think Fear is a great film! I included it on a list of underrated films from the 90s a while ago 🙂 I guess it’s a bit hammy but it’s a true 90s thriller, I genuinely really like it!

    That scene *cough*. BEST CHOICE FOR NO.1 !!!! Legend 🙂

    And I love the other scenes you chose!!!!!!!!! Especially: True Romance, Despicable Me (that scene is so cute!), Final Destination 3 and…………….of course………Big!

    • I do really like Fear quite a lot too. But I know it’s far from “Oscar worthy”. ; ) lol. Yeah – it had to be number one. When I googled roller coaster scenes in movies, it’s the only thing that really came up! What a bunch of pervs. : ) Big may have been cheating a little but I just love that movie. And Despicable Me! I think I’m more obsessed with that movie than my kid is. I’m such a child. : )

  2. This list is void because it doesn’t include KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park. Better go ahead and delete this blog.


  3. Good list. I think the Love Roller Coaster with Beavis and Butthead was only used for the music video. You could have also used the roller coaster scene from Fatal Attraction on here as well. I love the Tron inspired coaster. That sounds awesome.

    • Thanks! Aw, damn. I love Fatal Attraction but not actually watched it in YEARS so totally forgot about that bit. Deserves to be in the ten. Maybe I’ll add it! But I’m probably too lazy. ; ) That Tron coaster does look cool!

  4. Fun topic and list , but now you really must see Woman on the Run (1950), which features a terrifying ride in which a woman must watch from the coaster as a villain moves in to kill her husband.

  5. Another grand list you’ve thought up, especially #2!
    I also thought of the entrance to Yzma’s lab in The Emperor’s New Groove. That counts, right? I also remember Jon Voight riding and fixing roller coasters in The Five People You Meet in Heaven. If you ever do an amusement park list, that one’s a must!

    • Thanks! Had to include Indiana Jones. : ) Hmm… I saw The Emperor’s New Groove years ago & must admit I don’t remember one second of it now. Suppose I should rewatch. And looks like I should watch the Voight one, which I’ve never even heard of! : )

      • It’s certainly one of Disney’s funniest movies. Surprised you don’t remember it. As for Five People You Meet in Heaven, Voight plays an amusement park maintenance man who dies and looks back on those his life touched. It’s one of my favorites.

      • Hmm. I never did like much Disney from that era – I’ve always preferred the older stuff. But the other one does sound good! I’ve added it to my watchlist. Looks quite obscure but I’ll be on the lookout for it. : )

    • Hmm. I’ve NEVER forgotten that scene in Fear. Not sure what that says about me… Lol. Yeah, I thought the Beavis & Butthead one may be the video only but I was too lazy to check! 😉

  6. Fun list! And I agree with you that Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom totally counts. 😉 As someone who’s absolutely terrified of roller coasters in real life, watching them on film is about as close as I want to get to them, ha ha.

  7. Pingback: My Blog’s May 2016 Recap | Cinema Parrot Disco

  8. Pingback: My Top Ten Reese Witherspoon Movies | Cinema Parrot Disco

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