Aquaman (2018) Review

Aquaman (2018)

Directed by James Wan

Based on Aquaman by Mort Weisinger & Paul Norris

Starring: Jason Momoa, Amber Heard, Willem Dafoe, Patrick Wilson, Dolph Lundgren, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Nicole Kidman

Plot Synopsis: (via Wikipedia)
In Aquaman, Arthur Curry, the heir to the underwater kingdom of Atlantis, must step forward to lead his people against his half-brother, Orm, who seeks to unite the seven underwater kingdoms against the surface world.

My Opinion:

Well, this was fun! I wasn’t expecting to like this all that much since DC films tend to suck (other than Wonder Woman). I now like two DCEU movies! Why can’t the others be like this one? Superhero movies should be fun, not dreary and dark and depressing as shit. But maybe that’s just me: I prefer them to all be like Guardians Of The Galaxy.

Aquaman is a bit silly, though, so I’m sure it won’t be for everyone. I loved the silly. It gets a bit more bonkers as the movie goes on, which I also loved. Weirdass giant sea creatures were fun to see in a DC film and the whole underwater thing worked well and gave the movie a different feel from other superhero films, which are all becoming WAY too damn similar. Jason Momoa was also a lot of fun to watch, mainly because you can tell that he’s having a lot of fun playing this character. Okay – and he’s also hot. But my heart still belongs to Thor. Chris Hemsworth is still the ultimate hottie.

The two main female roles were also very strong, which is becoming more popular in movies. We don’t want wussy, useless women. Amber Heard & Nicole Kidman kick ass. Who ever though Kidman would kick ass?? And Amber Heard’s character was cool – I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about her as I’ve never thought she was the greatest actress. Hell, I even really liked the love story between Aquaman’s parents. I don’t normally go for that sort of thing but all the characters were so likeable in this that you wanted everyone to live happily ever after. I can’t say I give the slightest shit about either Superman or Batman in these DCEU films. The characters need to be likeable if we’re going to care about what happens to them! Hollywood still hasn’t quite figured this out.

Beyond that, I don’t know what else to say about this movie. I always struggle to “review” superhero movies. They’re fun & I enjoy them while watching them but it’s not a favorite genre of mine. I don’t expect anything Oscar worthy from them, though – I just want to switch off for a couple of hours & be entertained. Aquaman was definitely entertaining and I may have possibly liked it even more than a few of the MCU movies(!!). It was the final movie I went to in the cinema in 2018 and it was a good one to finish the year. I really enjoyed it (as did the hubby & the kid, so it was a good family movie too).

My Rating: 7/10

I’ll try to post my December Roundup next week followed by all my 2018 Year-End Top Ten lists. So I may sneak in a viewing of Roma this weekend in case it’s worthy of the top ten (I’ll just pretend I watched it in 2018!). For now, these are all the movies I watched in 2018. Yikes. I’m actually going to cut down in 2019…

My Top Ten Jack Nicholson Movies

Happy Birthday to Jack Nicholson, who turns 79 tomorrow! 🙂

I love Jack. Jack is cool. I’d love to be as cool as Jack! He’s been a favorite actor of mine for years – Probably ever since I saw my top two movies on this list at the age of 15 or so. And, okay – since I also saw Batman at that same time. I became slightly obsessed with Jack’s Joker. I even had some awesome Joker earrings that I wore for months in 1989. What a nerd…

Nicholson has been in some damn good films. It’s not often that I do these Top Ten Actor lists where a couple of the movies are all-time favorites of mine but I can say that’s definitely the case this time with the two that top this list. Absolute classics! I like all the movies in this list but the top two are truly special and a lot of that is thanks to Jack’s performance in each of them. He’s my favorite crazy bastard.

Let’s get this started! Wow – it’s also not often that I’ve reviewed NONE of the films in a top ten I’m doing. A lot of that is down to me being uncomfortable “reviewing” the movies I love the most & I keep putting off reviewing the top two for my IMDB Top 250 Project. Anyway – here are My Top Ten Jack Nicholson Movies (not ranked by performance) counting down to my favorite:

10. TIE: A Few Good Men & Mars Attacks!

9. Easy Rider

8. Tommy

7. Terms Of Endearment

6. The Bucket List

5. The Departed

4. Batman

3. Chinatown

2. The Shining

1. One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest

**In case you wonder why some movies are missing, it may be because I haven’t seen them. Here are the remainder of his films that I’ve seen, but some were so long ago that I need to re-watch them:

– How Do You Know (the only one he was in that I’d consider “bad”)
– The Witches Of Eastwick (need to re-watch)
– Something’s Gotta Give
– Little Shop Of Horrors (need to re-watch)
– As Good As It Gets
– Anger Management
– About Schmidt (Jack was great in this)

Also, here’s a quick Happy Birthday tomorrow to the gorgeous Catherine Mary Stewart (57 – one of my favorite Twitter buddies). Yes, Catherine Mary Stewart & her co-star Kelli Maroney both followed me on Twitter after I reviewed their classic 80’s movie Night Of The Comet. And I use every opportunity possible to keep mentioning that on my blog… 🙂

(Some of my other celeb followers: Zach Galligan, Linnea Quigley, a girl from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and the dude who got his throat ripped out in Road House!!!! I love my mostly-80’s celebrity Twitter followers!) 😉

Finally, there is one cool celebrity birthday that is actually today: Iggy Pop has just turned 69. Wow – he doesn’t look a day over 109!

My Top Ten Girl Crushes In Movies

As my list of My Top Ten Movie Crushes was a huge success & inspired lots of other top ten movie crush lists, I thought maybe I should follow it up with this one. Yes, this is based *mostly* on looks but, hey – so was my list of male movie crushes for the most part. So… No complaining! This is just a bit of fun. Believe me – I prefer strong female role models & hate that I can’t point out a really great role for some of these. If I myself could be any female character from a movie, I’d be Ellen Ripley all the way, baby! 🙂

Counting down from ten, these are My Top Ten Girl Crushes In Movies:

10. Mercedes Lane (Heather Graham) in License To Drive

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9. Nikki (Sienna Miller) in Alfie

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8. Bonnie Rayburn (Helen Slater) in City Slickers

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7. Molly (Alice Eve) in She’s Out Of My League

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6. Isabeau (Michelle Pfeiffer) in Ladyhawke

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5. Lainie Diamond (Meredith Salenger) in Dream A Little Dream

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4. Chris Parker (Elisabeth Shue) in Adventures In Babysitting

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3. Santanico Pandemonium (Salma Hayek) in From Dusk Till Dawn

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2. Mandy Lane (Amber Heard) in All The Boys Love Mandy Lane

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1. Shosanna (Melanie Laurent) in Inglourious Basterds

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Honorable Mentions:
(some of these don’t have specific roles I’d choose so I’m going to be lazy & just name the actresses)

Emmanuelle Beart
Catherine Deneuve
Amy Adams
Grace Kelly
Drew Barrymore
Charlize Theron
Alison Lohman
Emily Blunt

Jonathan Levine’s All The Boys Love Mandy Lane Finally Gets Release Date

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I posted a while back that this movie will FINALLY be coming out in the US seven years after it was first released elsewhere. I saw it in the UK years ago and, although I’m not really a fan of horror these days, I thought it wasn’t too horrible compared to all the other crap out there. And Amber Heard is a hottie.

All the Boys Love Mandy Lane is set for a VOD release on September 6, followed by a limited theatrical run starting October 11.

Link to article & trailer here: SlashFilm

And Amber Heard falling out of her top a bit as Mandy Lane:

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My Top Ten Shower & Bath Scenes In Movies

Ever since I reviewed John Carpenter’s The Ward & happened to mention the shower scene with Amber Heard, I see variations of the search term “Amber Heard shower scene” bringing someone to my blog on a daily basis. Pervs! So, screw it – I’ll make a list! Here are my top ten movie shower (or bath) scenes starting with the best:

1. Psycho

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2. Hardware

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Such an underrated cult classic! I never know anyone who has seen this movie. And the shower scene is awesome with one of the BEST movie songs ever – The Order Of Death by Public Image Limited.

3. Carrie

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Dirty Pillows!

4. American Beauty

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“This will be the high point of my day: It’s all downhill from here.”

5. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

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“I recall Central Park in fall.”

6. Weird Science

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“If you ever get the chance, shower with them. I did. Mmm, it’s a mindscrambler. Hurts so good.”

7. A Nightmare On Elm Street

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One, two, Freddy’s coming for you…

8. The Shining

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All work & no play makes Jack make-out with creepy dead woman.

8. It

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Argh! Pennywise! Creepy f@#king clown!!! I don’t even want this damn picture on my blog!

10. Blade

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Cool bloodbath (well, more like bloodSHOWER) club scene. Set to the tune of the Pump Panel remix of New Order’s Confusion.

Honorable Mentions:
Fatal Attraction
What Lies Beneath
Pretty Woman
The Big Lebowski

For the guys:
Starship Troopers (I hate this movie)

Words to bring the pervs in: Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Naked, Boobies. Lol! They’ll be disappointed – my list isn’t very hot or steamy. 😉

Here’s Amber Heard wet in the shower in The Ward:

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Hardware shower scene with Public Image Ltd song The Order Of Death:

Happy Birthday to Jack Nicholson & Amber Heard

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I didn’t know one of my favorite actors & my favorite girl crush shared a birthday.

My favorite Jack Nicholson movie: Definitely One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest but he’s been in lots of great ones. I think I may need to do a list of my top five Jack Nicholson movies soon…

My favorite Amber Heard movie: Zombieland

The movie where Amber Heard looks the hottest: All The Boys Love Mandy Lane

Other celebrity birthdays today:
Catherine Mary Stewart (favorite CMS movie: Night Of The Comet)
Bettie Page
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Aaron Spelling
John Waters
Ryan Stiles
Sheryl Lee
Glen Campbell
Peter Frampton

But back to Amber Heard: she’s hot. Let’s look at some photos of her.

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Seven Years Later, The Weinstein Company Rebuys and Resurrects Mandy Lane

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Um, what? All The Boys Love Mandy Lane never came out in the US? I had no idea! It came out in the UK. Well, anyway, it looks like it’s now getting a theatrical release in the US (seven years later!).

Link to the full story here: Indiewire

Well, it gives me another chance to mention hot sexy Amber Heard, I guess! Since the words Amber Heard & shower scene seem to bring several people to my blog every week since my review for The Ward. 😉

As for All The Boys Love Mandy Lane, I actually thought it was one of the better horror films in recent years and am very surprised to find out that it never came out in the US. Now, I think 99% of mainstream horror films “these days” suck (meaning I’ve liked very few since the 70s & 80s other than some very good foreign ones). So I may not be the best judge on current horror but I thought this one was slightly more original than some recent ones and had that slight “cult” feel to it that I tend to go for. It’s certainly no masterpiece but I’d recommend it to any horror fans, especially of the geekier, film-loving, blogging variety (the best kind!). Hey, this has kind of turned into a mini-review.

My Rating: 6/10

Here’s a few photos from the movie. Amber Heard really was pretty in this one.
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Hot Sexy Amber Heard

Okay – When looking at my stats I’ve noticed that people often seem to have come to my blog after doing a search for Amber Heard along with words such as hot and shower scene (this would be because I mentioned her shower scene in my review of The Ward). So… I figured I’d do an Amber Heard post again and see what happens! 😉 She really is hot and my current girl crush but I still love Ryan Gosling the most (he gets lots of hits too!). Here are two great pictures of them:
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The Rum Diary

Okay – I watched this because of Johnny Depp. I’ve loved him since his 21 Jump Street & A Nightmare On Elm Street days.

I was bored out of my mind! It’s one of those movies where I fell asleep halfway through and could barely be bothered to finish it the next day. Sorry!

And I’m less in love with Johnny Depp these days. Too many dodgy movies in recent years, I think. Gotta say I’m more into Amber Heard now. 😉 I can’t be bothered to really review this movie – Let’s just look at a few pictures of her in The Rum Diary…

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My Rum Diary Haiku:

Johnny Depp is old
I don’t know what’s going on
Amber Heard is hot

My Rating: 5/10

John Carpenter’s The Ward

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Just watched John Carpenter’s The Ward. Probably only because I have a bit of a girl crush on Amber Heard… But, seriously, this movie is meant to take place in 1966? I don’t think you could find an actress who looks LESS like a girl from 1966!

Anyway, I wasn’t exactly expecting a masterpiece. And I certainly didn’t get one! But I was hoping it would be a bit better than it was. :-/ The MOST disappointing thing is that I already saw this EXACT same movie in 2003! I can’t say which one as it would then completely give away the plot of The Ward but let’s just say that one did a slightly better job of telling the exact same story. This one just stuck some hot chicks in there to make things more interesting. And a shower scene. Amber Heard was probably hottest in the shower scene:

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So… If you go for movies with girls in mental wards, I’d recommend either Sucker Punch (SO many things wrong with that movie and it’s not exactly “good” but it’s a fun & entertaining guilty pleasure) or The Uninvited. Both starring Emily Browning. Maybe I have a girl crush on her too. 😉

4/10 for The Ward

Watch these instead:

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The Uninvited is a remake of a South Korean horror movie called A Tale Of Two Sisters which I’d always wanted to see. Didn’t know The Uninvited was a remake of it when I watched it. Should really watch the original now.